P. 46
Guidance and Counseling
What are the national level agencies of guidance and their work ?
Self Assessment
2. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:
(i) Department of Psychology and foundation of education (DEPFE) of NCERT Coordinates
guidance activities in the Country.
(ii) Central Institute for research and training in the Employment service (CIRTES) was
established in 1990 under the ministry of law and justice, Govt of India.
(iii) Career Study Centre (CSC) develops and publishes the career literature in the shape of
booklets and pamphlets/folders on various occupations covering their job content.
(iv) Self Employment guidance cell prepares informative and motivational material to assist.
4.5 Summary
• A school guidance service constitutes a cluster of activities which enable the students to overcome
their educational, vocational, personal or social problems that they face during the different
phases of development. It forms as an integral part of school education and is non-instructional
in nature.
• A school guidance programme largely consists of six services. They are orientation, counseling,
pupil inventory, occupational information, placement and follow-up services. Each of these
services are distinct due to their specific function.
• Orientation Service: It is generally noticed that when students shift from one school to another,
they find difficult to immediately accept and adjust to the new surrounding. This also occurs
in case of those students who either move from school to college or school to a work situation.
• Some of the objectives of the orientation service are:
(i) develop awareness regarding the rules and regulations, functioning patterns and available
infrastructural and physical facilities in the school or institution or work place.
(ii) acquaint the students with the concerned staff and also the student body.
(iii) provide opportunities for the staff members and student body to interact with the new
(iv) develop favourable attitudes among the students both towards the school and the staff.
• Orientation Activities: The activities can be broadly classified as (i) Pre-admission Orientation
and (ii) Post-admission Orientation.
• Pre-admission Orientation : This is one of the, service which is lacking in our schools. It helps to
acquaint students with the Institution, its tradition, purpose, its rules and regulations, curricula,
extra curricular, activities, the staff and the student body.
• Activities : Some of the suggested activities could be :
(a) visit to schools along with the staff or parents;
(b) arranging conferences and talks with the parents, since they also play a major role;
(c) issuing handbooks or pamphlets giving information about the school, its courses and activities;
(d) arranging exhibitions to expose them to the activities that students are undertaking.