P. 103
e\L-lovely-eng\libr8-1.pmd IInd 5-8-11 IIIrd 3-12-11
Library and Information Society
Notes The “halls of science” run by different Islamic sects in many cities of North Africa and the Middle
East in the 9th century were open to the public. Some of them had written lending policies, but they
were very restrictive. Most patrons were expected to consult the books on site.
The later European university libraries were not open to the general public, but accessible by scholars.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
5. Public libraries provide materials to children of ten housed in a special section.
6. California and Nevada now offer a new service called link.
7. In Public Lending Right Program, public library in some countries pay authors when their
books are borrowed from libraries.
8.5 Summary
• Library development programs rely heavily on central development operations for staff
resources for most fundraising activities.
• After independence in 1948, the name of the Imperial Library was changed to the National
• Public libraries in some countries pay authors when their books are borrowed from libraries.
These are known as Public Lending Right program.
8.6 Keywords
Assertion : Claim
Imperative : Important.
8.7 Review Questions
1. Describe Library director’s role in development.
2. Write a short note about library development staff evaluation.
3. Discuss about the application of modern technology.
4. Explain how library co-ordinate with development office.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Library director 2. dollars raised 3. (a) 4. (a)
5. True 6. True 7. True
8.8 Further Readings
Singh (S P) Special libraries in the electronic environment. 2005. Bookwell, New Delhi.
Venktappaiah (V) and Madhusudhan (M). Public library legislation in the new
millennium. 2006. Bookwell, New Delhi.