P. 115
Library and Information Society
Notes (c) We have placed the problem of library finance along with that of library authority as the
core of library legislation. Library finance should be set on a firm and permanent basis
and not be subject to the uncertainties of an annual struggle for funds. There are two
ways of setting the library finance on a firm basis: (i) a special library tax; (ii) reservation
of a certain percentage of the education budget (supposing that libraries are in the
education department) for them. The first method is hallowed by time and usage and is,
in our opinion, the better of the two, provided further funds from general revenues are
added. The latter is necessary because experience has shown that the proceeds from the
special library cases are often insufficient, although they are remarkably effective in
providing minimum library service. The second method has the merit of a single– step
(d) The library structure will naturally differ from country, but there are certain principles
which command the consensus of library opinion all over the world, and we can state
them briefly as follows:
(i) The library system should follow the administrative structure of the country. Espe-
cially in countries where library development is considered as a part of the general
development, the library system should be adapted to the administrative structure
built for development purposes.
(ii) The rural areas should be served from towns and the library service should be built
up into a unitary urban-rural pattern.
(iii) The larger libraries should provide more specialized material and services. The most
specialized service in this way will be provided by libraries of other countries.
(iv) As far as possible, all the nation’s libraries (public, university, etc.) should form one
co-operative network.
(e) It is a wholesome social principle that consumers should have a voice in the services they
use. The principle is, of course, difficult of application when the service is too technical
and specialized for the layman. It follows that people should be associated with libraries
through the well–known device of library committees on which all interests concerned
with the propagation and promotion of reading are represented. Needless to say, each
stage of library structure will have its own library committee. In India, the panchayat,
the block, the district, the State and the country will have their library committees.
The functions of the library committees need to be clearly defined so that, on the one
hand, they do not fail in their duty to those whom they represent and, on the other,
hand do not encroach on the professional competence and self respect of the librarian.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. ...... clearly define the government’s responsibility in the matter of public libraries.
2. Library legislation provide for participation by the representatives of the ...... in the work of
the Public Libraries.
10.3 Library Legislation Current Status in India
Several attempts are being made by individuals and library associations to provide public libraries
under law. Apart from Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, a number of individuals spent their time and energy to