P. 13
Foundation of Library and Information Science
Notes Third Five Year Plan: During the third plan period, besides the Institute of Library
science, University of Delhi other universities also upgraded the facilities for training
library personnel and enhanced the facilities for research in library science.
Fourth Five Year Plan: The Government of India announced on July 16, 1964,
appointment of a 16 member education commission to make a compressive review
of the entire field of education and advice the government on evolving a national
pattern at all stages of education. The commission has formed various sub committees
to prepare report on various aspect of education including the libraries, which plays
a great role towards the betterment of libraries in India. During the fourth five year
plan, the Government of India set up the Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation
in 1972 to make the bicentenary of the birth of Raja Rammohan Roy, the father of
modern India.
4. Role of UGC (University Grants Commission): The UGC gave a new life to the university
and college libraries. It gave librarian a status, prestige and a better life. The major
commission and committees formed by UGC for the growth and development of college
and university libraries are as follows:
Library Committee (1957): The UGC programme (Commission) appointed a committee
under the chairmanship of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan to advice on a wide range of
subjects including the standards and principles for the designing of library building,
fitting and furniture, administration of university libraries, training of librarianship,
Review Committee (1961): In order to consider, the question of improving and
coordinating the standards of teaching, and conducting research in the department
of library science in Indian Universities under the chairmanship of Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan a review committee was formed in July 1961. The first meeting of the
committee was held on 15th July 1961, in which a questionnaire was finalized on the
basis of data supplied by the Indian Universities. In response to this questionnaire a
note was prepared by the UGC, which form the back bone of many developments in
the subject of library science.
Other mentionable Committees and Commissions are:
Education Commission (1964): Chairman D. S. Kothari.
Pal Committee (1970): Chairman A. B. Lal.
Mehrotra Committee (1983): Chairman R. C. Mehrotra.
Committee on National Network System for Universities (1988): Chairman Yash Pal.
Curriculum Development Committee on LISc (1990).
Work Flow Seminar: UGC organized a seminar on “work flow” in libraries in New
Delhi from March 4-7, 1959, Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, the then chairman of UGC, extended
assistance to libraries for constructing building and furniture as well as for the
engaging the staff on a scale which is, relatively speaking, larger than found in
many other countries. The recommendations of the seminar were circulated to the
universities and colleges all over the country. These comments were considered by
the commission and were accepted.
Revision of Pay Scale: Another great improvement in the history of universities and
college libraries is the revision of salary scales of professionally qualified librarian
under the third five year plan.