P. 205
Foundation of Library and Information Science
Notes fields concerned. The purpose of this unit is to enable the students to comprehend basic
expressions. At the end of this unit, you should be able to understand the concept of Library
Associations in India, UK and USA.
11.1 Concept of Library Associations
A lone professional person; or a single institution; cannot possibly do much to deal with wider
and far-reaching issues of professional concern. Collective action by interested groups is
necessary. In this, professional associations serve as a forum for coordinated efforts. The Library
Association (U.K) was founded in October 05, 1877 during the first international conference of
librarians held at Brussels. The name of the association was changed from “Library Association
of the United Kingdom” to Library Association in 1896. It receives a Royal charter in 1898. The
L.A. becomes a wholly professional Association in 1962 when new bye laws come into operation.
The headquarters of L.A. is located at 7 Ridgmount Street, store street, London.
Library development is dependent upon professional planning, foresight, understanding and
involvement. These issues are managed in a better way by library associations than by individual
institutions. Hence, the solidarity of the profession is a prerequisite for working for a common
cause and to achieve results. In fact, the strength and effectiveness of professional associations
reflect this solidarity. Library associations, if they play their part well, can help in spreading the
public library movement in a country and ensure better library service. They, indeed; assist in
clarifying concepts of libraries and library and information services; and also present appropriate
proposals to the right quarters.
The association is controlled by a 60 member council elected by the members. The L.A. has a
number of departments devoted to various aspects of librarianship and library service. The
association is advised by four committees.
Executive coordinating
General purpose
Library service
Professional development and education.
Membership is not confined to any country or to library profession. It is open to individuals and
institutions interested or engaged in library work. Main financial support for programmers
comes from the membership subscription and publication of the association. However grants
for specific projects are also received from other sources.
11.1.1 Aims and Objectives of Library Associations
Library associations are established with the following aims and objectives:
to herald the library movement in a country to spread knowledge and information;
ultimately contribute to human resource development;
to work for the enactment of public library legislation, drafting of the bills along
progressive lines and based on sound principles; make the people library conscious so
that they demand the right of access to public library services; mobilize social pressure for
the healthy development of library services;
to strive for the evolution of an integrated national library and information system based
on a national policy; bring to the attention of the authorities the deficiencies, defects, etc.,
in the existing library infrastructure;