P. 212
Unit 11: Library Associations: India, UK and USA
of having an association in India similar to the Association for Information Management in the Notes
UK and the Special Libraries Association in the USA.
At a largely attended meeting of librarians held at Calcutta on 25th June 1955 under the
Chairmanship of Dr. S. L. Hora, the idea of starting an all India association devoted to the
progress of special libraries and information centres was mottled. Following this initiative,
another meeting held on 3rd September 1955 formalized the decision to establish the Indian
Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC). The spontaneous cooperation
and enthusiasm shown by professionals in the formative period as well as dedicated efforts of
some founding members have helped in laying a firm foundation for the association. Over a
period of forty years and more, IASLIC has grown in stature and in range of activities and has
been contributing in many ways to the improvement of special libraries and information centres
in the country. It has earned recognition for its regular and systematic work all these years.
Did u know? IASLIC is composed of four kinds of members, namely Honorary Membership,
Donor Membership, and Institutional Membership, Individual Membership (Donor,
Ordinary Membership, and Life Membership).
IASLIC has the following major objectives:
to encourage and promote the systematic acquisition, organization and dissemination of
to improve the quality of library and information services and dissemination work;
to coordinate the activities and foster mutual cooperation and assistance among special
libraries; information centres etc.;
to serve as a field of active contact for libraries, information bureaus, documentation
centres, etc.;
to improve the technical efficiency of workers in special libraries, information centres,
etc., and look after their professional welfare;
to act as a centre for research special library and documentation techniques;
to act as a centre for information in scientific, technical and other fields;
to take such action as may be incidental and conducive to the attainment of the objects of
the Association.
The general body of the members of IASLIC biennially elects 14 office-bearers and 20 members
of the Council, which is the highest organ to formulate the policies and programmes of work.
The Council appoints from among its members the Executive and Finance Committee consisting
of 8 office-bearers and 4 members to manage the regular activities. Six Divisions are also
constituted by the Council for each term. They are
Documentation Services;
Publication & Publicity;
Library Services;