P. 132

Unit 6: Concept of Call Number

               Periodicals Collections, on the Main Floor (for Current Periodicals) or the Ground Floor  Notes
               (for Bound Periodicals on the compact shelves): This is where you can find the print
               versions of our magazines and scholarly journals. We also subscribe to many periodicals
               in electronic form through our databases.

               Media Collection, on the Main Floor: This is where you can find video tapes and DVDs,
               audio books, and music CDs.
               Microforms Collection, on the Main Floor: This is where you will find microform versions
               (microfilm, microfiche, etc.) of items like older periodicals, government publications, or
               ERIC Documents.

               Government Documents Collection, on the Ground Floor: This is where you can find the
               print documents issued by various government offices, including department reports,
               transcripts for congressional committee hearings, consumer information, etc.

               Special Collections, at the Check Out counter on the Main Floor: This is where you can
               request older or special documents that must be kept protected for various reasons.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          16.  An ………………….number consists of the year acquired.

          17.  Collections of manuscripts use the prefix………………...
          18.  In older institutions, simpler numbering systems are sometimes maintained alongside,
               or incorporated within …………………systems.

             Case Study  North West Libraries Interlending Partnership’s
                         (NWLIP) Use of SUNCAT

                    WLIP is a service provided by Lancashire Library Service in association with the
                    Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) North West. The Partnership provides Inter
             NLibrary Loan (ILL) support services to libraries in the north west of England.
            NWLIP provides an email based location search service for academic partner libraries.
            It also provides a forum for partnership networking, exchange of good practice and a
            programme of training and events.
            Scale and Impact of Service

            NWLIP currently has 31 partners, 11 academic partner libraries and 20 public library
            authorities based in the North West of England.
            The location service is available to NWLIP Higher Education and Further Education
            partners. The service handles around 50-60 requests per month, with an increasing number
            of requests for journal articles.
            The service saves NWLIP subscribers a great deal of time as the process of locating items
            can be quite labour intensive. Anomalies related to title or other details provided by the
            end-user arise frequently, but an expert and comprehensive search service ensures more
            ILL requests are fulfilled.

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