P. 193

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          Library Catalogue: A Library Catalogue is a record of the holdings of a library. In order to meet
                                   the requirements of users, it is prepared to consist of various units records.
                                   Machine-readable Catalogue: In machine-readable form, catalogue entries are rendered in a
                                   format that permits input in computer memory for manipulation.
                                   Microform Catalogue: The microform reader magnifies the reduced images on the film or fiche
                                   and projects them onto a screen.
                                   Name Catalogue: A name catalogue is a variation and extension of an author catalogue and
                                   contains entries for works of an author and also for books written on him.

                                   Printed Book Forms: These types of library catalogues are prepared conforming to all the
                                   standard principles and rules of cataloguing, with cross reference and multiple entries.
                                   Sheaf or Loose-leaf Form: A sheaf form of catalogue is one in which slips of paper are put into a
                                   loose-leaf binder and bound by some mechanical device into a volume.
                                   Title Catalogue: In a title catalogue, the titles of documents occupy at the leading section of
                                   entries, which are arranged in an alphabetical order.

                                   9.9 Review Questions

                                   1.  List the conventional physical forms of a library catalogue and describe any two of these.
                                   2.  Group the following into outer and inner form of catalogue: Kardex, classified catalogue,
                                       dictionary catalogue, card cabinets.
                                   3.  Compare the disadvantages of a printed book form of catalogue with that of a ledger form
                                       of catalogue.
                                   4.  Explain the different physical forms of library catalogues along with their relative
                                       advantage and disadvantages.

                                   5.  What requirements must be kept in mind while selecting the physical form of a catalogue?
                                   6.  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of physical forms of library catalogue.
                                   7.  Define sheaf form of catalogue.
                                   8.  Write brief note on Machine-readable Catalogue.
                                   9.  Explain the evolution of internal form of library catalogue.

                                   10.  Describe Dictionary Catalogue.

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.  Holdings                          2.   Card
                                   3.  Economical                        4.   Entries
                                   5.  True                              6.   False

                                   7.  Printed                           8.   Microform
                                   9.  True                              10.  False
                                   11.  Depositories                     12.  Two
                                   13.  False                            14.  True

                                   15.  True

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