P. 201

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          The following three types of cross references are similar to SEE ALSO references in a catalogue.
                                   In addition to simply indicating other subject headings that are related to a given heading, each
                                   of these references describes how the terms are related in scope:
                                   BT: BROADER TERM indicates headings for related topics that are broader in scope.
                                   RT: RELATED TERM links two terms that are related in some way, but equal in scope.
                                   NT: NARROWER TERM indicates headings for related topics that are narrower or more specific
                                   in scope.
                                   An additional cross-reference also identifies related subject headings, but is used less frequently:
                                   SA: SEE ALSO indicates a related term that is listed as a subheading of other terms.

                                   SUBHEADINGS of used subject headings are listed after all of the cross references for the heading.
                                   Subheadings are indicated with a single dash (-). Further subdivisions of subheadings are indicated
                                   with additional dashes. All of the cross references described above may also be used for any

                                     Did u know? The abbreviated note “(May subd Geog)” following a subject heading indicates
                                     that geographical subdivisions may be used with that heading. Form subheadings may be
                                     used with any subject heading and are not included in the LCSH.

                                   10.2.3 General Guidelines

                                   General Guidelines to follow when using the LCSH to find related subject headings:
                                   Look up USE references to find headings that are used for a subject; then look up BT, RT and NT
                                   references as appropriate. RT references should be especially noted since they are most equivalent
                                   to the given subject heading. NT references should be used when you need to narrow your topic.
                                   Subdivisions (subheadings) should also be used to find more specific headings on a subject.
                                   Broader terms should be used if your topic seems to be too specific and you have not been able
                                   to find enough information.
                                   Since the LCSH is based on the Library of Congress collection, which is one of the largest library
                                   collections in the world, many valid subject headings will only be found in the largest or most
                                   specialized library catalogues and will not be included in most library catalogues.

                                      Task  Critically examine the most extensive and commonly-used controlled vocabulary

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   4.  The …………………lists are sometimes referred to as an “authority file” or a “controlled
                                       vocabulary” list.

                                   5.  The most useful controlled vocabulary lists, called ………………….include broader,
                                       narrower, and related terms, as well as indications of headings not used.
                                   6.  In the print version of the LCSH, terms used as subject headings are printed in

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