P. 240
Unit 13: Filling Entries Rules: CCC and AACR2
Did u know? For main entry, use the author predominantly named larger in typography.
Make added entries for the others, if there are not more than 3 authors.
If the predominant author is not indicated, tag 100 is to be made under the first author, and tag
700 for the rest. If there are more than 3 authors, make a tag 700 for the first author and make
main entry under title.
If there are editors instead of authors, enter under title. Make a tag 700 for each editor. If there are
more than 3 editors, make a tag 700 for first one only. If the author unknown or uncertain; enter
under title.
Artist and author: Make a tag 100 for the person chiefly responsible for the work. Make a tag
700 for the other one.
Editor and author: If editor simply went over the manuscript, do not make a tag 700 for him or
her. If the editor has made his or her own contribution, for example, a criticism, also make a tag
700 added entry for the editor.
13.1.1 Main Entry for One Composer, 3–5 Works
Enter under composer/collective uniform title (100/240) appropriate to the item as a
Make name/uniform title added entries (700/‡t) for each work
This does not apply to all of a composer’s works of one type or medium or to a collection
of a consecutively numbered group of works; to collections of non-classical music; or to
multi-disc collections that are not yet complete.
13.1.2 Main Entry for One Composer, 6 or More Works
Enter under the name/collective uniform title (100/240) appropriate to the item as a
Make name/uniform title added entries (700/‡t) as follows:
1. If the works may be divided into not more than five groups of three or more works,
for each of which a collective uniform title naming a type would be appropriate,
make a name/uniform title added entry for each group. Translation: use up to five
collective uniform titles. OR
2. If some of the works can be grouped as in #1 above and others cannot, and the
groups and the remaining individual works together add up to five or less, make a
name/uniform title added entry for each group and for each of the remaining works.
Translation: use up to five collective and individual uniform title. OR
3. If neither #1 or #2 above can be applied but one of the works is featured, make a
name/uniform title added entry for that work; in addition, make a name/collective
uniform title added entry appropriate to the remaining works if it is different from
that used in the main entry. Translation: if it is impossible to limit the name/
uniform title added entries to five collective and/or individual uniform titles, use a
name/uniform title for any work that is featured on the item and make a collective
uniform title for the rest of the works, as long as that collective uniform title does
not end up being the same as the collective uniform title in the 240 field.