P. 32

Unit 2: Theory of Subjects

          Hence, to understand the concept of subjects even better you first need to understand segments  Notes
          that are explained in the next section of this unit.

          2.1.3 Modes of Formation of Subjects

          The modes of formation of subjects that have been recognized are:

          1.   Lamination
          2.   Loose Assemblage
          3.   Fission
          4.   Fusion
          5.   Distillation

          6.   Clustering
          7.   Agglomeration
          Lamination: Lamination is construction of two layers just like a sandwich. According to
          Ranganathan when the basic layer is a basic subject and the other layers are isolate ideas a
          compound subject is formed. Lamination is of two types:
          1.   Lamination 1: In this mode, one or more isolate facets are laminated over a basic facet.
               This gives a compound subject.
          2.   Lamination 2: In this mode, two or more sub-facets of a compound facet are laminated
               over one another. Such subjects were earlier called as non-main basic subjects, the
               components of which included host main subject. The later had the canonical/special/
               environment/system component.
          Loose Assemblage: This is assembling of two or more of (a) subjects (basic or compound)
          (b) isolate idea.

          Fission: Fission is the process of division or splitting or breaking up into parts. This process has,
          until recently, been denoted by the “dissection”. However, dissection usually implies the
          splitting, breaking up of an entity into parts by an outside agency. On the other hand, fission is
          an internal process of division without the involvement of an outside agency.

          Fusion: Fusion is the emergence of new ideas and new subjects of an interdisciplinary character.
          For example: Astrophyshics it is the emergence of two subjects like Astronomy and Physic.
          Distillation: It extracts the basic subjects from compound subjects.

          Clustering: It is forming a group of similar entities of relationship with each other or their
          simultaneity of occurrence or for convenience in treatment or discussion.
          Agglomeration: It may be made up  of consecutive constituents or even non-consecutive
          constituents with respect to a classification scheme.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          1.   A subject is an organized and systematized body of ……………………..

          2.   A subject possesses all the characteristics that a ……………………………….. possesses.
          3.   The subject system has to a certain extent been described as loose ……………………………..

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