P. 59

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   21.  The purpose of chronological device is to sharpen a ………………………. number.
                                   22.  Common isolates could also be in the form of a ……………………….. or a handbook.

                                   23.  In UDC, common isolates are called …………………………….. sub-divisions.
                                   24.  One and the same common ………………………….. idea is not always denoted by the
                                       same term at all times.

                                     Case Study  DDC at Oxford Brookes

                                           his library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme to arrange books
                                           and other library materials on the shelves so they may be easily retrieved. It is used
                                     Tin many libraries and allows items about the same subject to be shelved together.
                                     When an item arrives in the library it is assigned a DDC number, often called the “class-
                                     mark” or “shelf-mark”. Each of the numbers in this shelf-mark has a meaning and is not
                                     assigned randomly.
                                     For example, the book “The Royal doctors 1485 - 1714” by Elizabeth Furdell has been
                                     assigned the shelf-mark 610.6952094205 FUR. These numerals indicate:
                                              610 = Medical sciences
                                             610.6 = Professions
                                            610.69 = Medical personnel

                                           610.695 = Specific kindsof medical personnel
                                          610.6952 = Physicians
                                       610.69520942 = Physicians in England and Wales
                                     610.6952094205 = Physicians in England and Wales 1485-1603

                                     Most items will also be assigned some letters at the end of the numerals, “FUR” in the
                                     above example. These are taken from the author’s surname or the first word of the title.
                                     Finding Items on the Shelves

                                     The shelf-mark will always have at least three numbers, followed by some letters. It is
                                     usually displayed on the spine of the item, but is sometimes placed on the front cover.
                                     Here are some examples:

                                     The DDC system places items about the same subject at the same number. This means that
                                     once you have identified the DDC number for the subject you are interested in, you can
                                     browse the shelves at that number.

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