P. 182
Unit 10: Circulation Section
the formulation of policies that will serve to make library material optimally available to users Notes
while ensuring effective control of their movements. Archiving these goals through the circulation
division of a library is a management objective.
10.1.2 Scope of Circulation Work
Circulation work includes:
Registration of members,
Lending, i.e., charging and discharging,
Renewals, i.e., persons who seek extension of time for borrowed books,
Recall, i.e., requesting a borrower to return a book,
Holds, i.e., books that are reserved for a member that are already on issue,
Notification, i.e., communicating with members on all the above, as needs arise.
The other activities of the circulation division may include additional lending services such as
interlibrary loan and reserve book collections. As circulation counters are usually located close
to the entrance/exit gates of libraries, the circulation division of a library may also control the
gate register and the property counter.
The exact range of circulation work, however, varies from library to library.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. ………………. aims to maximise the availability of all library material to users and thereby
optimise their use.
2. Circulation counters are usually located close to the .................... of the library.
Caselet Circulation System of IBA Libraries
dmission, circulation, general enquiries, reference, and computer support are
coordinated from the Service Desk on the ground floor of the Library. Service
Atransactions (including the issue and return of borrowed material) cease 30 minutes
before the posted library closing time on any given day.
Functions of Circulation System
The primary responsibility of the Circulation Department is to ensure easy and equitable
access to the Library’s print collections and course reserves. The Department’s functions
Overseeing the borrowing of library materials and borrower records.
Administering access to course reserves.
Assisting borrowers with locating books and other items in the Library.