P. 97
Library Automation
Notes MARC 21-SGML
SGML is a Standard Generalized Markup Language which is used as an international standard
since 1989. SGML is not a single language but a language which describes other markup
languages. SGML provides a standard syntax for defining the descriptions of the documents.
These descriptions are called Document Type Definitions (DTDs). The mappings of MARC to
SGML will allow the MARC records to be made available to SGML application programs that
process the digital documents and allow for sending the MARC record in SGML with the
document. A standard Document Type Definition (DTD) for MARC and a MARC-SGML
conversion programs are available as freeware software at The
main purpose is to support the conversion of MARC into the SGML format and vice-versa. The
ability to convert the bibliographic data from the SGML to MARC and vice-versa gave way to
the development of WWW based catalogues, with SGML as its basic record structure.
MARC-Dublin Core
Dublin Core is an acronym or abbreviation used for Dublin Metadata Core. Element set is a core
list of metadata elements used for describing the networked electronic information. A mapping
of 15 elements of Dublin Core Metadata is set to MARC fields so that the conversion may occur.
The Dublin Core is used for simple information resource description. The main aim of the
Dublin Core was to formulate a set of instructions to the authors or the publishers publishing
their information on the INTERNET without prior training.
Task Critically examine the Standards which help in creating Bibliographic databases
in Indian Academic Libraries.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
6. …………………… is a structure format for creating bibliographical records and for
exchanging records between groups of information agency and libraries.
7. Most of the libraries are using the …………………… for assigning the Classification
Number to the documents.
8. The …………………… formats are standards for the representation and communication of
bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form.
9. The …………………… of most data elements is defined by standards outside the formats.
10. The …………………… contains the tag, starting location, and length of each field within
the record.
5.3 Retrospective Conversion
The word “Retrospective” indicates that the process is only for already existing records, and the
meaning of the word “Conversion” refers to the form and format of the records changing
something from one form to another. Thus, retrospective conversion in library and information
centre means “changing already existing catalogue from existing traditional form to a
machine-readable form. Retrospective conversion, according to ALA Glossary of Library &
Information Science, has been defined as the process of converting the database of library