P. 195

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         Self Assessment

                                 Fill in the blanks:
                                  4.   ...... is a technique for improving database performance
                                  5.   There is still a strong need to connect “  ................... ” to chunks of content.
                                  6.   Web sites change and update too much to handcode such things as ............. .

                                 10.5   Summary

                                    •  A classification system is an established plan that divides all knowledge into precise catego-
                                      ries and subcategories.
                                    •   Pre-coordinate indexing systems are conventional systems mostly found in printed indexes.
                                    •  Chain Indexing or chain procedure is a mechanical method to derive subject index entries or
                                      subject headings from the Class Number of the document.
                                    •  In Chain Procedure the indexer or cataloguer is supposed to start from where the classifier
                                      has left.
                                    •  Chain Indexing was originally intended for use with Colon Classification.
                                    •  POPSI made the indexing system free from classification scheme because this system  is based
                                      on general theory of classification and is not tagged with any classification scheme.
                                    •  PRECIS was intended to be a complete subject statement in a form suitable for a printed bib-
                                    •  COMPASS is a simplified restructuring of PRECIS.
                                    •  DDC number is also used as a source of feature heading.

                                    •  Post-coordinate indexing systems are used in combination with Boolean logic.
                                    •  “Coordinate indexing” as a concept and as a method is founded by Mortimer Taube in 1951.
                                    •  Citation indexing makes links between books and articles that were written in the past and
                                      articles that make reference to (“cite”) these older publications.

                                 10.6   Keywords

                                 Pre-coordinate Indexing Systems : The index in which the coordination of components is done at
                                                               the systems input stage
                                 Post-coordinate Indexing     : Information is organised under simple main heading
                                 Citation Indexing            : Makes links between books and articles.

                                 10.7 Review Questions

                                  1.   Define Pre-coordinate indexing systems.
                                  2.   Explain post-coordinate indexing systems.
                                  3.   What is citation indexing?
                                  4.   What are the merits and demerits of chain indexing?

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