P. 108

Unit 12: Database: Networked and Distributed Database in Social Science

            Organizational Network                                                                     Notes

            The public library system of a state may be recognized as an organizational network.

            Specialized Network

            The sectoral information systems planned under the NISSAT scheme are specialized networks, as
            they deal with a specific subject area.

            Functional Network

            The National Information Center’s plan of having a large computer configuration with a direct access,
            secondary memory and connected to a number of institutions through communication channel and
            having a terminal is a functional network.

            Other Types of Network
            Other types of network besides the above are:-

                 y  Library Networks
                 y  Information Retrieval Networks
            1. Library Networks: The library networks have the following features:
                 y  Similar type of data (bibliographic data)
                 y  Committed user base (librarians/public/researchers)
                 y  High  professional  needs  (telecommunication  network/private  network/hard  wired
                 y  Low end –users needs (librarians/public/researchers)
            2. Information Retrieval Network: Information retrieval networks include more bibliographic records,
            but as textual or numeric information based databases are increasing, retrieval is based largely on
            Boolean searching. Thus, information retrieval consists of varying types of data, unstable user base
            and a mix of professional/non-professional needs.
            The important characteristics of information networks are:
                 y  Data : Bibliographic records (textual/numeric)
                 y  Retrieval : Subject based (Boolean/Key)
                 y  Access: Telecommunication networks/private networks/hard wired networks)
                 y  Users : Intermediaries (End-users)
            Networks may further be of the following types:-
                 y  LAN (Local Area Network)
                 y  MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
                 y  WAN (Wide Area Network)


            Local Area Network is a facility data communication, video or voice, within a single building or over
            a small area of space. It constitutes the following features:

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