P. 64

Unit 9: Information Sources
            Reena Kapoor, Lovely Professional University

                                Unit 9: Information Sources                                            Notes

                  9.1   Concept of Information

                       9.1.1  Information Defined

                       9.1.2  Major Theories of Information
                       9.1.3  Types of Information

                  9.2   Sources of Information in Social Science
                  9.3   Summary

                  9.4   Keywords
                  9.5   Review Questions

                  9.6   Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                 y  Explain the concept of information
                 y  describe the major theories and types of information
                 y  Identify the key sources of information in social science.


            Human mind is a generator of ideas. These ideas are based on certain facts. These facts are derived
            by continuous observances and experiences. When these facts hold the test of time they become data
            i.e. something which occurs, which can be seen, felt and observed. When these data’s are arranged
            in an organized manner and presented or told or passed on to some one, it becomes ‘information’,
            e.g. lightening had been observed from the very beginning of civilization, as an event that occurred
            before rain. After this lightening came the thunder which proceed the light. So the facts that were
            deduced were lightening, thunder, rain. Thus, the piece of information could be stated as, usually
            before a heavy rain we get lightening and thunder. But this information is raw, later when it will be
            scientifically tested, will it be proved that as lightening travels faster than sound, it is seen first but
            the sequence is that the thunder occurs first, resulting in lightening and rain. Now, this is accepted
            information which can be told and retold with authenticity.
            Information originates from an idea that creeps in the mind, as a result of observation. These idea/facts
            when organized or processed to convey significant meaning about something, is information. Stores

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