P. 74

Unit 10: Role of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Documents in the Growth and Development of Social Science

                 y  Journal articles                                                                   Notes
                 y  Monographs
            A secondary source contains commentary on or discussion about a primary source. The most important
            feature of secondary sources is that they offer an interpretation of information gathered from primary

            Tertiary Sources

                 y  Dictionaries
                 y  Encyclopedias
                 y  Handbooks
            A tertiary source presents summaries or condensed versions of materials, usually with references back
            to the primary and/or secondary sources. They can be a good place to look up facts or get a general
            overview of a subject, but they rarely contain original material.


               Subject        Primary              Secondary                Tertiary
                                           Critical review of the    Encyclopedia article on
             Art          Painting
                                           painting                  the artist
             History      Civil War diary  Book on a Civil War Battle  List of battle sites
                                           Essay about themes in the
             Literature   Novel or poem                              Biography of the author
             Political    Geneva           Article about prisoners of   Chronology of treaties
             science      Convention       war

            Let us, now, discuss some of the main sources of information and their role in development and
            growth of social science:

            10.1   Documentary Sources of Information

            The recorded knowledge and literature is one of the important information sources. The concept of
            literature taken here in the sense of scholarly literature is used as a communication system for the
            access creation and dissemination of information. The documentary sources of information can be
            classified into following categories:

            10.1.1  Primary Sources

            A Primary sources or document is one in which the information contained is original or first
            disseminated formulation of any new observation or experiment. It will consist of new information
            for the very first time thus, the term primary means, the basic sources of that particular information,
            in documentary form.
            Primary sources may further be divided into
               1.   Conventional Primary Sources
               2.   Non–conventional Primary Sources

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