P. 80
Unit 10: Role of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Documents in the Growth and Development of Social Science
10.2.2 Informal Sources Notes
Informal sources constitute yet another important type of non-documentary information sources.
We describe the informal domain as encompassing the procedure the scientist uses to develop raw
information into a finished product worthy of being submitted to a journal. In connection with the use
of informal sources, there was remarkable difference between the two groups. Table 10.2 contains the
computed data with regard to the use of informal sources of information by the social scientists.
Table 10.2: Informal Sources Used by the Social Scientists
Sources Generally used Rarely used Never used
Personal contact with colleagues 60 (85.7%) 8 (11.4%) 2 (2.9%)
Seminars, workshops, conferences 54 (81.4%) 5 (7.1%) 1 (1.4%)
Consulting Reference Librarian 11 (15.7%) 53 (75.7%) 6 (8.6%)
Exhibitions, concerts, performances 7 (10%) 51 (72.9%) 2 (17.1%)
Although, these sources are outside the purview of the librarian, yet he is acquainted with these
channels, for providing effective service.
These sources are as follows:
1. Attending conferences and meetings.
2. Membership of professional societies, institutions, etc.
3. Technological gatekeepers.
4. Unpublished works i.e. thesis, dissertations.
5. Conversation with colleagues, visitors etc.
6. Message obtained through telephones, correspondence, etc.
7. Work in progress.
8. Reprint of papers to be presented at seminars.
Conferences and Meetings
Conferences and meetings play a vital role in strengthening world wide informal communications, in
spite of their being expensive and time consuming to attend. Such conferences and meeting are also
regarded as opportunities for discussions, as a large number of scholars and scientists get together
and exchange their views on a topic.
As the topics chosen for discussions are usually on some of the prominent problems, the members
attending the conference are benefited.
Membership of a professional society usually provides access to the society’s meetings, library and
its other activities. These activities enable the participating membership to know about the progress
made in that area, by attending these meetings.
Technological Gatekeepers
The concept of technological gatekeepers was postulated by T.J.Allen, who insisted upon their existence
in research and development laboratories.