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Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Metropolitan Networks

                                   Title: Calcutta Libraries Network
                                   Sponsor: NISSAT - Govt. of India
                                   Applications: Cataloging; serials control; acquisitions; circulation
                                   Services: CAS; SDI; union catalog; partial database; editing and retrieval of records; global
                                   information; search; full-text document delivery; library automation; CALIBNET INFO Services.

                                   Title: Bombay Library Network
                                   Sponsor: NISSAT & NCST (1994)
                                   Objective: To promote cooperation among libraries in Bombay
                                   Services: online catalog; online document delivery; IRS; interlibrary loan; dissemination of

                                   DELNET (
                                   Title: Developing Library Network
                                   Sponsor: NISSAT & NIC (1988)
                                   Objective: To promote resource sharing; develop a network of libraries; collect, store, disseminate
                                   Members: 165 Institutions, 600 Libraries, 15 States in India, 5 from outside India
                                   Services: resource sharing; free Software; ICE online facility; books database; thesis database;
                                   Indian specialists; database.
                                   ADINET (

                                   Title: Ahmedabad Library Network
                                   Sponsor: NISSAT, DSIR (1994) & INFLIBNET
                                   Objective: To bring cooperation among its regional libraries; to develop databases; to integrate
                                   scientific and technical information systems.
                                   Members: nine libraries
                                   Services: library automation; library holdings; database in progress
                                   MYLIBNET: Title: Mysore Library Network Sponsor: NISSAT (1994)
                                   Objective: Developing software tools; conducting seminar; workshops/training programs;
                                   Conduct surveys
                                   Host Site: CFTRI, Mysore
                                   Members: 116 Institutions
                                   Services: MYLIB Database; E-journals; food patents; CFTRI Library Bulletin; public services.
                                   Countrywide Area Network: DESINET

                                   Title: Defence Science Information Network
                                   Sponsor: DESIDOC, Delhi
                                   Activity: Focus on scientific, research and defense communities.

                                   Title: Educational and Research Network
                                   Sponsor: Dept. of Electronics, Govt. of India; UNESCO (Financial assistance from UNDP)
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