P. 175

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         VIP             : A vertical information portal (VIP) is a specialized entry point to a specific
                                                   marketplace and or industry niche. VIP's provide news, editorial content,
                                                   digital publications, and e-commerce capabilities.
                                   Electronic Journals : Electronic journals, also known as ejournals, e-journals, and electronic serials,
                                                   are scholarly journals or intellectual magazines that can be accessed via
                                                   electronic transmission. In practice, this means that they are usually published
                                                   on the Web.
                                   Listwashing     : It is the process through which individual entries in mailing lists are removed.
                                                   These mailing lists typically contain email addresses or phone numbers of
                                                   those that have not voluntarily subscribed. An entry is removed from the list
                                                   after a complaint is received.
                                   DHCP            : The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network configuration
                                                   protocol for hosts on Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

                                   14.9  Review Questions

                                      1. Write a short note on Mailing list.
                                      2. Define List washing.
                                      3. Write on FTNs.
                                      4. Write briefly on features of BBSes.
                                      5. Write on thin client.
                                      6. Explain the gateway.
                                      7. Explain about bulletin board with neat sketch.
                                      8. Explain web portal with types of application
                                      9. Analyze the electronic journal.

                                   Answers : Self Assessment
                                      1. web portal             2. Two                    3. Personal
                                      4. (a)                    5. (a)                    6. (a)
                                      7. (a)                    8. True                   9. True
                                     10. True                  11. True                  12. True.

                                   14.10  Further Readings

                                      Books      Alex Chaffee (2000-08-17). What is a web application (or “webapp”).
                                                 James Duncan Davidson, Danny Coward (1999-12-17). Java Servlet Specification
                                                 (“Specification”) Version: 2.2 Final Releases. Sun Microsystems.

                                     Online links

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