P. 8

Avinash Bhagat, Lovely Professional University                                  Unit 1: Data Information

                                 Unit 1:  Data Information                                        Notes


             1.1  Transforming Data into Information
                1.1.1  Functional Units
             1.2  Data Representation in Computer
                1.2.1  Decimal Representation in Computers
                1.2.2  Alphanumeric Representation
                1.2.3  Computational Data Representation

                1.2.4  Fixed Point Representation
                1.2.5  Decimal Fixed Point Representation
                1.2.6  Floating Point Representation
             1.3  Summary
             1.4  Keywords
             1.5  Self-Assessment Questions

             1.6  Review Questions
             1.7  Further Reading


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
              • Explain data into information

              • Discuss data representation in computer

            The computer accepts data as an input, stores it process it as the user requires  and produces
            information or processed data as an output in desired format.
            The use of Information Technology (IT) is well recognised. The IT has become must for the
            survival of the business houses with the growing information technology trends. Computer is
            one of the major components of an Information Technology network and gaining increasing
            popularity. Today, computer technology has permeated every sphere of existence of modern
            man. From railway reservations to medical diagnosis; from TV programmes to satellite launching;
            from matchmaking to criminal catching—everywhere we witness the elegance, sophistication
            and efficiency possible only with the help of computers.
            Basic computer operations are: (i) it accepts data or instruction by way of input, (ii) it stores data,
            (iii) it can process data as required by the user, (iv) it gives results in the form of output, and
            (v) it controls all operations inside a computer.

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