P. 211

Quantitative Techniques – I

                    Notes          Nature of weights

                                   While taking weighted average of price relatives, the values are often taken as weights. These
                                   weights can be the values of base year quantities valued at base year prices,  i.e., p q , or the
                                                                                                      0i 0i
                                   values of current year quantities valued at current year prices, i.e., p q , or the values of current
                                                                                         1i 1i
                                   year quantities valued at base year prices, i.e., p q , etc., or any other value.
                                                                         0i 1i
                                          Example: Construct an index number for 2002 taking 2010 as base for the following data,
                                   by using

                                     (a)  weighted arithmetic mean of price relatives and
                                     (b)  weighted geometric mean of price relatives.

                                                                   Prices in Prices in
                                                       Commodities                  Weights
                                                                      2002     2010
                                                            A          60     100     30
                                                            B          20      20     20
                                                            C          40      60     24
                                                            D        100      120     30
                                                            E        120       80     10
                                                                  Calculation  Table

                                                                       P.R.  P
                                          Comm -  Prices in  Prices in        Wts
                                                                      p              Pw    log P  w   log P
                                             odities  2002(p ) 2010 (p )  =  1  ×100  (w)
                                                        0        1    p
                                             A        60     100      166.67    30  5000.1  2.2219  66.657
                                             B        20       20     100.00    20  2000.0  2.0000  40.000
                                             C        40       60     150.00    24  3600.0  2.1761  52.226
                                             D      100      120      120.00    30  3600.0  2.0792  62.376
                                             E      120        80       66.67   10    666.7  1.8239  18.239
                                           Total                               114  14866.8       239.48

                                              Index number using A.M. is  P 01  114  130.41

                                          and index number using G.M. is  P 01  Antilog  126.15
                                   3.  Simple Aggregative Method: In this method, the simple arithmetic mean of the prices of all
                                       the items of the group for the current as well as for the base year are computed separately.
                                       The ratio of current year average to base year average multiplied by 100 gives the required
                                       index number.

                                       Using notations, the arithmetic mean of prices of n items in current year is given by   0i
                                                                                 n          p 1i
                                                 Simple aggregative price index  P   100        100
                                                                                  p         p
                                                                                  0i         0i

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