P. 185

Macro Economics

                    Notes          6.  “Demand pull inflation occurs only when there is an inflationary gap in the economy.”
                                   7.  State the demand side factors that lead to an inflationary gap.

                                   8.  Describe the concept of ‘supply shock’ inflation. Why is it called supply shock?
                                   9.  Compare and contrast demand pull and cost push inflation.
                                   10.  Some economists argue that there cannot be such a thing as a cost push inflation. Do you
                                       agree with them? Justify your answer.
                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  (c)                               2.   (d)
                                   3.  (a)                               4.   (b)
                                   5.  (d)                               6.   False
                                   7.  True                              8.   True

                                   9.  aggregate demand, aggregate supply  10.  Inflationary gap
                                   11.  Demand pull                      12.  Disposable income
                                   13.  Supply shock                     14.  Wage push

                                   15.  J M Keynes
                                   10.7 Further Readings

                                   Books       Chris Mulhearn, Howard. R. Vane and James Eden, Economics for Business, Palgrave
                                               Foundation, 2008
                                               Dr. Atmanand, Managerial Economics, Excel Books, Delhi.

                                               Lipsey & Chrystal, Economics- Indian Edition, Oxford University Press., 2007

                                   Online links

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