P. 258
Unit 14: Macro Economic Policies: Fiscal Policy
3. Describe the various sources of revenue of the government. Notes
4. Discuss the role of fiscal policy in economic growth.
5. Describe public debt? Discuss its role in the economy.
6. State the limitations of a fiscal policy. Do you think that these limitations can be overcome?
7. Evaluate the role of taxes in maintaining growth in the economy.
8. Can the size of the black economy be minimized by using the economic tool of fiscal
policy? Justify your answer.
9. Explain the role of public debt in an economy.
10. Contrast revenue budgets and capital budgets.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. True 2. True
3. False 4. Indirect
5 Direct 6. regressive
7. non-planned 8. budget deficit
9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (d)
13. (d) 14. True
15. False 16. True
14.8 Further Readings
Books Dr. Atmanand, Managerial Economics, Excel Books, Delhi.
Edward Shapiro, H. B. Jovanovich, Macro Economic Analysis.
R. L. Varshney, K. L. Maheshwari, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi
Thomas F. Dernburg, Macro Economics, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co.
Online links h t t p : / / w w w . i n f o r m a t i o n b i b l e . c o m / a r t i c l e - f i s c a l - p o l i c y -