P. 4


                                                   ≈‹ÈΔ«Â’ «√˪Â
                                                   (Political theory)


            ≈‹È∆«Â’ «√˪ Á∆¡ª ¡ÚË≈È≈Úª, «Ú⁄≈ª ¡Â∂ «√˪ª ÂØ∫ ‹≈‰»ø ’Ú≈¿π‰≈, ’Ø√ ¡Ë∆È «Ú«ÌøÈ «Ú⁄≈’ª Á∂ «√˪ª, «Ú⁄≈ª ¡Â∂
            Ë≈È≈Úª Á∆ «¬«Â‘≈√’ ¡Â∂ «ÚÙÒ∂Ù‰≈ÂÓ’ «Ú¡≈«÷¡≈ ’È≈, «Ú«ÌøÈ «Ú⁄≈’ Í‘¨¡ª Á∆ «ÈøÂÂ≈ ¡Â∂ Í«ÚÂÈ, «Ú«ÌøÈ ¡ÚË≈È≈Úª,
            «√˪ª ¡Â∂ Ș∆¬∂ «Úæ⁄ ¡øÂ Á∆ ¡ÒØ⁄È≈ÂÓ’ «Ú¡≈«÷¡≈ ˘ ¿πÁ∂ÙÍ»‰ „ø◊ È≈Ò æ÷‰≈ «‹√ È≈Ò «ÈøÂÂ≈ ¡Â∂ ÏÁÒ≈Ú ˘ √Ó«fi¡≈
            ‹≈ √’∂Õ

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               •    «Ú«ÌøÈ «ÁzÙ‡∆’؉ª Á∂ ¬∂’∆’È «Úæ⁄Õ

            To provide the concepts, ideas and theories in political theory. This course seeks to explain the evolution and usage
            of the concepts, ideas and theories with reference to individual thinkers both historically and analytically. The different
            ideological standpoints with regard to various concepts and theories are to be critically explained with the purpose
            of highlighting the differences in their perspectives and in order to understand their continuity and change.
            The main objective of this course is to enable the student:

               •    To comprehend the basic concepts of political theory.
               •    The acquire the information about the history and development of these concepts.
               •    To analyze the different viewpoints regarding the basics concepts.
               •    To compare different viewpoints.
               •    To synthesize different viewpoints.

             ÒÛΔ Èø.                                        «ÚÙ≈ (Topics)
              S. No.

                A.     ≈‹ÈΔ«Â’ «√˪ Á≈ √πÌ≈¡ ¡Â∂ Ó‘æÂÚó ¡Ê, √πÌ≈¡, «ÚÙ∂ÙÂ≈Úª ¡Â∂ ≈‹È∆«Â’ «√˪ Á∆¡ª
                       «’√Óª, ≈‹È∆Â∆ Á∂ Ù≈ÙÂ∆ «√˪ Á≈ Ó‘æÂÚ, ≈‹È∆«Â’ «√˪ Á≈ ¿πÍÔØ◊Õ
                       (Nature and Significance of Political Theory: Meaning, Nature, Characteristics and Varieties of
                       Political Theory, Importance of Classics of Political Theory, Uses of Political Theory)
                B.     Ù’ÂΔ ¡Â∂ √æÂ≈ó Ù’Â∆, √æÂ≈ ¡Â∂ ÏÒ ÍÃÔØ◊, √æÂ≈ Á≈ √πÌ≈¡, Ù’∆ Á∂ √Ó≈«‹’ «√˪ÂÕ
                       (Power and Authority: Authority, Power and Coercion, The Nature of Authority; Social theories of
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