P. 239
Graphic Tools
Notes z frameborder: attribute specifies whether or not the borders of that frame are shown; it
overrides the value given in the frameborder attribute on the <frameset> element if one
is given, and the possible values are the same. This can take values either 1 (yes) or 0 (no).
z marginwidth: allows you to specify the width of the space between the left and right of the
frame’s borders and the frame’s content. The value is given in pixels.
Example: marginwidth=”10".
z marginheight: allows you to specify the height of the space between the top and bottom of
the frame’s borders and its contents. The value is given in pixels.
Example: marginheight=”10".
z noresize: By default you can resize any frame by clicking and dragging on the borders of
a frame. The noresize attribute prevents a user from being able to resize the frame.
Example: noresize=”noresize”.
z scrolling: controls the appearance of the scrollbars that appear on the frame. This takes
values either “yes”, “no” or “auto”.
Example: Scrolling=”no” means it should not have scroll bars.
z longdesc: allows you to provide a link to another page containing a long description of the
contents of the frame.
Example: longdesc=”framedescription.htm”
Nested Framesets
We can also have a frameset within another frameset.
Let us illustrate this with an example.
<frameset rows=”50%,50%”>
<frame src=”frame_a.htm”>
<frameset cols=”25%,75%”>
<frame src=”frame_b.htm”>
<frame src=”frame_c.htm”>