Page 298 - DENG201_ENGLISH_II
P. 298
English - II
Notes Conflicting : opposing
Victim : prey, a person who is made to suffer
Reorient : to change
Assume : take as being true
Points for Precis making
1. University is an important place for the development of people.
2. The old view that university is separated from the society must change.
3. Universities have been working under certain pressures.
4. The fast development has changed the functions of university.
5. Better understanding of the aim of university education among the teachers and the students is
Exercise: 2
In affluent circumstances, it is very easy for anyone to do his best. It is only under circumstances of
adversity that the solidity of a person is known. A man of character, of noble intentions, of strong and
sturdy physique and virtues, of selfless service to others, proves his worth even in times of adversity.
He makes the events turn with his strong will, perseverance, ambition and determination. If he has a
will to do a thing, nothing can stand in his way. He can conquer all obstacles to achieve his mission,
since his objective is noble and worthy. The world has produced the best heroes during their trials of
adversity. Some of them even had to go without food for days together. There were also worst trials
and tribulations they had to go through. But they stood like a rock behind their mission and stood
steadfast to their principles.
In the days of prosperity and pleasure, we sleep and enjoy and know not what we are. But in adversity,
the inner man wakes up and we come to know our real strengths and weaknesses. History tells us
that all great men are hardy and brave people who worked their way up through difficulties and
obstacles. They stuck to their guns under all circumstances, never stooping low in their principles.
Harder the circumstances, suffer the opposition, better they shone and brought out their virtue to the
Adversity has another great use. It gives us a chance to try our friends and foes and tells us who is
who. False friendships based on motives of temporary benefits and comprising casual flatters are all
exposed whereas true friends even though they may be previously in the background come to the
forefront and prove their worth. Adversity is a great human teacher. It inspires understanding of the
problems of the poorer and the underdog. It teaches us to feel for others and be grieved at a suffering
for unless a person has gone to adversity himself he cannot know the real feelings of others. Human
life is a mixture of joys and sorrows. It has its comedies and tragedies. After bright days, the dark
days may come. For the strong man darkness vanishes quickly and happiness returns since he has
lived in the dark days gloriously and bravely. (387 words)
Affluent : wealthy, rich, abounding
Adversity : misfortune, adverse circumstances
Sturdy : firm, strong, robust
Perseverance : not giving over, a steady effort till success is met with
Obstacles : hindrances, difficulties
Tribulations : distress, severe affliction
Prosperity : success, good fortune
Hardy : daring, confident
Stooping : submitting, surrendering
Flatters : false praises