P. 4

                                                 Elective English—III

               To introduce the student to the development and growth of various trends and movements in England and its society.

               To make students analyze poems critically.
               To improve students' knowledge of literary terminology.

                Sr.                                         Content

                 1    The Linguist by Geetashree Chatterjee

                 2    A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

                 3    Chitra by Rabindranath Tagore

                 4    Ode to the West Wind by P.B.Shelly.

                      The Vendor of Sweets by R.K. Narayan

                 5    How Much Land does a Man Need by Leo Tolstoy

                 6    The Agony of Win by Malavika Roy Singh

                 7    Love Lives Beyond the Tomb by John Clare.

                      The Traveller’s story of a Terribly Strange Bed by Wilkie Collins

                 8    Beggarly Heart by Rabindranath Tagore

                 9    Next Sunday by R.K. Narayan

                10    A Lickpenny Lover by O’ Henry
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