P. 104

                                                                   bdkbZ 10% rduhdh 'kCnkoyh & fgUnh ls vaxsth

          'kCn cy                                Word stress                                    Notes
          cy nsuk                                To stress

          cyh                                    Stressed

          cyghu                                  Unstressed
          cyoku~                                 Strong, Stressed, Emphatic

          cy dk vijj.k                           Shift of Emphasis
          cyghu ¼O;atu½                          Weak (Consonant)

          cykRed Lojk?kkr                        Stress Accent
          cyh ¼O;atu½                            Strong (Consonant)

          cfgHkkZo                               Exclusion

          cfgeqZ[kh foHkfDr-çèkku                With External Fexion
          cgqla'ys"kkRed] cgqlafgr               Poly-synthetic

          ckuh] cksy                             Slang
          cksyh                                  Patois

          ckS) fu;e                              Intellectual law
          Hkkjr-bZjkuh                           Indo-Iranian

          Hkkjr-;ksjksih; dy                     Indo-European Family
          Hkkjrh; vk;Z Hkk"kk                    Indo-Aryan speech
          Hkkjksih;                              Indo-European

          Hkkjksih; Hkk"kk                       Indo-European language
          Hkko] euksHkko                         Idea, Emotion

          Hkkofyfi                               Indeography

          Hkk"k.k-èofu                           Speech-sound
          Hkk"k.kko;o                            Speech-organ

          eè; Lojyksi                            Syncope
          euksfodkj                              Emotions, Feeling, Sentiments

          euksHkkofHkO;atdrkokn ¼vuqHkkookn½     Interjectional Theory

          euksHkkokfHkO;fDrokn                   Pooh-pooh Theory
          euksfoKku                              Psychology

          egkçk.k] egkçk.khdj.k                  Aspiration
          ek=kdky ¼Loj½                          Quantity (Vowel)

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