P. 79

Indian Freedom Struggle (1707–1947 A.D.)

                    Notes          •    T. R. Holmes absolves Dalhousie of reponsibility for the weak military condition of the East
                                        India Company and blames the Commander-in-Chief for his failure to remedy the indiscipline
                                        in the army and for his neglect to safeguard Delhi and Allahabad. T. R. Holmes, on the other
                                        hand, believes that the rebellion that broke out in Oudh was “due not to annexation, but to
                                        the harshness with which the Talukdars were treated”; the excesses committed in Jhansi are
                                        attributed “to the failure of Havelock’s earlier attempts to relieve the Residency.”

                                   6.4 Key-Words

                                   1. Sanads     :   Grants
                                   2. Annexation  :  To append, to incorporate (territory) into on testing fetitical such as a country
                                                     and state.

                                   6.5 Review Questions

                                   1. Explain the Doctrine of Lapse and administrative reforms of Lord Dalhousie.
                                   2. The policies made by Dalhousie were responsible for the revolt of 1857. Discuss.
                                   Answers: Self-Assessment
                                       1. (i)             2. (ii)             3. (ii)            4. (iii)  5. (iii)

                                   6.6 Further Readings

                                                1.  V.D. Mahajan, History of Modern India, S. Chand and Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
                                                2.  Chandra, Bipin, India’s Struggle for Freedom (1857–1947) Penguin, Delhi, 1996.

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