P. 103
Comparative Politics and Government
Notes of projects and neglect of infrastructure, too much articulation of conflicts, between
communities, in short, too much politics for the elites and not enough authentic participation
for the masses.
5.4 Key-Words
1. Political socialisation : It is a lifelong process by which poeple form their ideas about
politics and acquire political values.
2. Open societies : It is a concept originally developed in 1932 by the French
philosopher Henri Bergson and then, in 1945, by Austrian and
British philosopher Karl Popper. In open societies, government
is purported to be responsive and tolerant, and political
mechanisms are said to be transparent and flexible.
5.5 Review Questions
1. What do you mean by Political Socialisation?
2. Discuss the agents of Political Socialisation.
3. Write a short note on the development of Political Socialisation. Discuss Open vs. closed Societies.
Answers: Self-Assessment
1. (i)(a) (ii)(c) (iii)(b) (iv)(a) (v)(c)
5.6 Further Readings
1. Almond, G.A. et., 2000: Comparative Politics: A World View, New York: Harper/
2. Palekar, S.A., 2009: Comparative Politics and Government, New Delhi, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Johari, J.C., 2006: New Comparative Government, New Delhi: Lotus Press