P. 191

Comparative Politics and Government

                    Notes          7.5 Review Questions

                                   1. Distinguish between British King and Prime Minister
                                   2. Briefly explain the role of USA President.
                                   3. Write a short note on the role President of China
                                   4. What are the constitutional conditions of British King.
                                   5. Discuss the role of plural executives of Switzerland.
                                   6. What do you mean by King and Crown.
                                   Answers: Self-Assessment

                                   1.  (i)(d)        (ii)(b)        (iii)(a)        (iv)(d)        (v)(b)
                                   7.6 Further Readings

                                                1.  Almond, G.A. et., 2000: Comparative Politics: A World View, New York: Harper/
                                                2.  Palekar, S.A., 2009: Comparative Politics and Government, New Delhi, PHI
                                                   Learning Pvt. Ltd.
                                                3.  Johari, J.C., 2006: New Comparative Government, New Delhi: Lotus Press

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