P. 75

Comparative Politics and Government

                    Notes          2. Constitutionalism  :  Government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of
                                                         laws that must be obeyed by the rules.
                                   3. Lex              :  Law
                                   4. Rex              :  King

                                   3.8 Review Questions

                                   1. Discuss the Marxist concept of constitutionalism.
                                   2. What are the kinds of constitutions? Discuss
                                   3. Explain the process of growth of constitution.
                                   4. Write a note on “the necessity of a good constitution”.
                                   Answers: Self-Assessment

                                   1.  (i) 1951      (ii) 500 B.C.  (iii) 1884      (iv) 1787
                                      (v) Rules and Regulations, Unwritten
                                   3.9 Further Readings

                                                1.  Almond, G.A. et., 2000: Comparative Politics: A World View, New York: Harper/
                                                2.  Palekar, S.A., 2009: Comparative Politics and Government, New Delhi, PHI
                                                   Learning Pvt. Ltd.
                                                3.  Johari, J.C., 2006: New Comparative Government, New Delhi: Lotus Press

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