P. 229

Social Structure and Social Change

                    Notes          9.8 Review Questions

                                   1. What is meant by Gender Discrimination? Explain.
                                   2. Discuss changing status of Women.
                                   3. Write an essay on the violence against women.
                                   4. Explain briefly about the women in ancient India.
                                   Answers: Self-Assessment
                                   1.  (i)(a)        (ii)(c)        (iii)(a)        (iv)(c)        (v)(c)
                                   9.9 Further Readings

                                                1.  Ahuja, Ram, 1994: Indian Social System, Rawat Publication.
                                                2.  Srinivas, M.N., 1963: Social Change in Modern India, University of California
                                                3.  Sharma, K.L., 2007: Indian Social Structure and Change, Rawat Publication.

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