P. 4
ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ
À°ç¶ô (Objectives)
• ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÆ èÅðéÅ ìÅð¶ ÇòÇ×ÁÅðæÆÁ» ù ÜÅäÕÅð ÕðéÅÍ
(To familiarize the student about the concept of Social Stratification))
• ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ ç¶ ìçñç¶ ÁÅïÅî» Áå¶ ÃîÅÇÜÕ ×åÆôÆñåÅ çÆ èÅðéÅ ìÅð¶ ÇòÇçÁÅðæÆÁ» ù ÜÅäÕÅð ÕðéÅÍ
(To familiarize the student about the changing dimensions of Social Stratification and about the concept
of Social Mobility)
ÕÌ: òðäé
1. ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ: ÇòÁÅÇÖÁÅ, ñ¼Ûä, ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ Ã³ì³Çèå ì°ÇéÁÅç» èÅðéÅò» (Understanding SocialStratification:
Concept, Characteristics, Basic concepts relating to Stratification)
2. ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÅ ÇÃè»å-I â¶Çòà Áå¶ î±ð, êÅðÃ³Ã ç¶ ÇòòÃÇæå ÇÃè»å (Theories of Social Stratification I: Theoretical
formulations of Davis & Moore, Parsons)
3. ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÅ ÇÃè»å-II: ÖÅðñ îÅðÕà Áå¶ îÅÕà ò¶ìð ç¶ ÇòòÃÇæå ÇÃè»å (Theories of Social Stratification II:
Theoretical formulations of Karl Marks and Max Weber)
4. ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÅ Ãð±ê: ÜÅå, òð×, Çñ³×, ôÇÔðÆ Áå¶ À°çï¯Ç×Õ òÅåÅòðé Çò¼Ú çð÷Åì³çÆ (Forms of Social
stratification: Caste, Class, gender, Social Stratification in Urban and Industrial Settings)
5. ÜÅå: èÅðéÅ, ÜÅå ÇòòÃæÅ ç¶ éÕô, çð÷Åì³çÆ çÆ êÌäÅñÆ ç¶ ð±ê Çò¼Ú ÜÅå ÇòòÃæÅ (Caste: Concept, Features of Caste
System, caste System as a system of stratification)
6. òð×: èÅðéÅ Áå¶ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÆ êÌäÅñÆ ç¶ ð±ê Çò¼Ú òð×, ÜÅå Áå¶ ×åÆôÆñåÅ : Õ³î-ÕÅ÷ Áå¶ ×åÆôÆñåÅ (Class: Concept
and as system of Stratification, Class and mobility: Occupation and mobility)
7. éÃñ Áå¶ ÜÅåÆ: éÃñ, éÃñÆ ÇøðÕÅ, ÜÅåÆ ÇøðÕÅ, ÁñêóÇÖÁÕ Áå¶ ìÔ°îå óì³è (Race and Ethnicity: Race, Racial
group, ethnic group, minority & majority relations)
8. Çñ³× Áå¶ çð÷Åì³çÆ: çð÷Åì³çÆ ç¶ ÁÅèÅð ç¶ ð±ê Çò¼Ú Çñ³×, ÇêåÅ-ê°ðÖÆ Ã¼åÅ Áå¶ ÇÂÃåðÆÁ» çÆ ÁèÆéåÅ, ÇÂåðÆÁ» ç¶
ÁÇèÕÅð (Gender and Stratification: Gender as basis of Stratification, Patriarchy and the Subordinate of Women,
women’s empowerment)
9. ÃîÅÇÜÕ ×åÆôÆñåÅ: ÇéðèÅðÕ å¼å, ÜÅå Áå¶ òð× Çò¼Ú ×åÆôÆñåÅ : ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ çÆ ì³ç Áå¶ Ö°¼ñ·Æ ÇòòÃæÅò» Çò¼Ú
×åÆôÆñåÅ (Social Mobility: Determinants, Pattern of Mobility in caste and Class: Mobility in closed and open
system of Stratification)
10. ÃîÅÇÜÕ çð÷Åì³çÆ ç¶ ìçñç¶ ÁÅïÅî: íÅðå Çò¼Ú çð÷Åì³çÆ ç¶ À°µíðç¶ éî±é¶, î¼è ÜÅå ÇòòÃæÅ çÅ ÇéÕÅà (Changing
Dimensions of social stratification: Emerging patterns of social stratification in India, Emergence of Middle
Class System)