P. 120

Unit 7: Relational Database Design

          Intuitively R is in 4NF if all dependencies are a result of keys. When multivalued dependencies  Notes
          exist, a  relation should not  contain  two or  more  independent  multivalued attributes. The
          decomposition of a relation  to achieve  4NF would normally result  in not only reduction of
          redundancies but also avoidance of anomalies.

          7.6 Join Dependencies

          Based on the discussion above, we know that the normal forms require that the given relation R
          if not in the given normal form should be decomposed in two relations to meet the requirements
          of the normal form. However, in some rare cases, a relation can have problems like redundant
          information and update anomalies, yet it cannot be decomposed in two relations without loss of
          information. In such  cases, it  may be  possible to  decompose the  relation in  three or  more
          relations using the 5NF. But when does such a situation arise? Such cases normally happen when
          a relation has at least three attributes such that all those values are totally independent of each
          The fifth normal form deals with join-dependencies, which is a generalisation of the MVD. The
          aim of fifth normal form is to have relations that cannot be decomposed further. A relation in
          5NF cannot be constructed from several smaller relations.
          A relation R satisfies join dependency *(R , R , ..., R ) if and only if R is equal to the join of R , R ,
                                           1  2    n                               1  2
          ..., R where R are subsets of the set of attributes of R.
              n      i
          A relation R is in 5NF if for all join dependencies at least one of the following holds:
          1.   (R , R , ..., R ) is a trivial join-dependency (that is, one of R is R)
                 1  2    n                                     i
          2.   Every R is a candidate key for R.
          An example of 5NF can be provided by the same above example that deals with emp_name,
          Projects and Programming languages with some modifications:

                   emp_name                      Projects                Languages
            DEV                      Proj_A                         C
            RAM                      Proj_A                         JAVA
            DEV                      Proj_B                         C
            RAM                      Proj_B                         C++

          The relation above assumes that any employee can work on any project and knows any of the
          three languages. The relation also says that any employee can work on projects Proj_A, Proj_B,
          Proj_C and may be using a different programming languages in their projects. No employee
          takes all the projects and no project uses all the programming languages and therefore all three
          fields are needed to represent the information. Thus, all the three attributes are independent of
          each other.

          The relation above does not have any FDs and MVDs since the attributes emp_name, project and
          languages are  independent;  they  are related  to each  other only by  the  pairings that  have
          significant information in them. For example, DEV is working on Project A using C languague.
          Thus, the key to the relation is (emp_name, project, languague). The relation is in 4NF, but still
          suffers from the insertion, deletion, and update anomalies as discussed for the previous form of
          this relation. However, the relation therefore cannot be decomposed in two relations.
          (emp_name, project), and

          (emp_name, language)

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