P. 53

Database Management Systems/Managing Database

                    Notes          SELECT expression AS column name
                                   Expression: It refers to mathematical or string expression, which is specified on column names
                                   and constants.
                                   Column Name: It refers to the column’s new name in the resultant query. It can also include
                                   aggregate functions/operators such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX etc. It also allows the use
                                   of standard ready to use functions such as sqrt, mod etc.


                                   Query (a): Find the names of all the employees who are working for “operation” department.
                                   SELECT   E.ename

                                   FROM     Employee E, Department D
                                   WHERE    E.DNo = D.DNo AND
                                   D.Dname = “operation”. The answer is “David”
                                   Query (b): Calculate the increment in the salary of  the employees  who are working on two
                                   different projects carried out at the same location.
                                   SELECT   E.ename, E.esal + 1000 As salary

                                   FROM     Employee, Department D ,   Department D
                                                                 l                2
                                   WHERE    D  .Dept_managerid = E.eid  AND
                                   D .Dlocation = D .Dlocation         AND
                                    1            2
                                   D .PNO <> D .PNO
                                    l        2
                                   This will result in a new relation when ‘esaF coTumn is renamed as ‘salary’ by using AS
                                   Result: Use of ‘AS’ clause
                                          Ename Salary
                                          David  000

                                          Sam    000
                                   With select command we can select specific columns by specifying the names of the columns. But
                                   by using ‘*’ with select command all the columns can be selected at once (no need to mention the
                                   names of all the columns).
                                   Query (c): List all the information about the employees whose salary is greater than or equal
                                   to 20000.
                                   SELECT *
                                   FROM Employee E

                                   WHERE E.esal > = 20000.

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