P. 62

Unit 3: Structured Query Language

                 Example: CREATE TABLE Student
                         (Sid INT NOT NULL,

                         Sname CHAR(10) NUT NULL,
                         Project VARCHAR(15),
                         Class INT,
                         PRIMARY KEY(eid))

          In this declaration, creation of student table, Sid is the primary key hence it must be unique and
          it should not be NOT NULL. Project field indicates the project taken up by the student. This field
          can take NULL values as it is possible that a student is not interested in taking any project/not
          yet assigned a project. We restrict the insertion of NULL values in the same field by declaring it
          as NOT NULL.

             Lab Exercise  Conceptual Design: Create 3 tables name: Books, Orders and Customers and
             make ER Diagram between them.

          3.12 Summary

              The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a 4th Generation Language (4GL) generally used
               for querying the database. Following is a consolidated list of SQL statements:

                   SELECT             Data retrieval statement
                   INSERT             Add rows
                   UPDATE             Update row
                   DELETE             Delete rows

                   CREATE             Create new tables/views
                   ALTER              Alter the schema or view
                   DROP               Delete the table
                   RENAME             Rename a table

                   COMMIT             Buffer to disk
                   ROLLBACK           Rollback the changes made
                   GRANT              Assign privileges to users
                   REVOKE             Remove the assigned privileges

              The basic commands that can be used under Oracle 8i environment were discussed. For
               example, @,/are some of the commands.
              Oracle9i SQL *PLUS offers a rich set of data types like integer, float, number, date, etc.

              The SELECT statements is used retrieve a set of rows from a specified table depending
               upon the WHERE clause.

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