P. 82

Unit 5: Integrity Constraints

          UNIQUE as a Table Constraint:                                                         Notes
                 CREATE TABLE client master
                 (client_no varchar2(6), name varchar2(20),
                 addressl varchar2(30), address2 varchar2(30),
                 city varchar2(15), state varchar2(15), pincode number(6),
                 remarks varchar2(60), bal_due number(lO,2),
                 CONSTRAINT cnmn_ukey UNIQUE (client_no));

          Default Value Concepts

          At the time of cell creation a ‘default value’ can be assigned to it. When the user is loading a
          ‘record’ with values and leaves this cell empty, the DBA will automatically load this cell with the
          default value specified – The data type of the default value should match the data type of the
          column. You can use the default clause to specify any default value you want.
          CREATE TABLE sales_order
                 (s_order_no varchar2(6) PRIMARY KEY,
                 s _order_date date, client_no varchar2(6),
                 dely _Addr varchar2(25), salesman _no varchar2(6),
                 dely_type char(l) DEFAULT ‘F’,
                 billed_yn char( l), dely_date date,
                 order_status varchar2(1 0))
          Create sales_order table where:

                Column Name       Data Type    Size              Attribute
             S_order no         varchar2     6        Primary key
             S_order date       Date
             Client_no          varchar2     6
             Dely_Addr          varchar2     25
             Salesman_no        varchar2     6
             Dely_type          char         I        Delivery: part (P)/Full (F) Default ‘F’
             Billed_yn          Char         I
             Dely_date          Date
             Order_status       varchar2     10

          Foreign Key Concepts

          Foreign keys represent relationships between tables. A foreign key is a Column (or a group of
          columns) whose values-are derived from the primary key of the same or some other table.

          The existence of a  foreign key implies that the table with the foreign key is related to the –
          primary key table from which the foreign-key is derived. A foreign key must have a corresponding
          primary key value in the primary key table to have a meaning.

                 Example:  The s_order_no column is the primary  key of table  sales_order. In table
          sales_order__details, s _order_no is a foreign key that references the values in table
          sales order.

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