P. 199
Human Resource Management
Notes employing equipment improperly; using unsafe procedures in loading, placing, mixing,
combining, lifting improperly, taking unsafe positions under suspended loads; distracting,
testing, abusing, starting quarrelling, horseplay, etc. Workers' personality traits may
complicate the issue further especially if they have a tendency to take high risks, suffer
from poor vision and emotional instability, etc.
12.4 Statutory Provisions
There are four types of initiatives through the Plan for the Labour and Labour Welfare Sector.
They are: (i) Training for skills development (ii) Services to job seekers (iii) Welfare of Labour
(iv) Administration of Labour regulations. Many initiatives are taken for the benefit of workers
through the plans of a number of Labour Intensive Sectors. Employers are required to offer
welfare facilities to workers under different labour laws. These are discussed below (Labour
Laws 2009):
12.4.1 The Factories Act, 1948
The Act provides the following services to workers:
Washing facilities to male and female workers separately.
Facilities for storing and drying clothes.
Facilities for occasional rest for workers who work in a standing position for long hours.
First aid boxes or cupboards – one for every 150 workers and the ambulance facility if
there are more than 500 workers.
Canteens, where there are more than 250 workers.
Shelters, rest-rooms and lunch rooms where over 150 workers are employed.
Creche, if 30 or more workers are employed.
Welfare officer, if 500 or more workers are employed.
12.4.2 The Plantation Labour Act, 1951
The Act provides for the following:
A canteen if 150 or more workers are employed
Creche if 50 or more women workers are employed
Recreational facilities for workers and their children
Educational arrangements in the estate if there are 25 or more children of workers, between
the age of 6 and 12
Housing facilities for every worker and his family residing in the estate
Medical aid to workers and their families; sickness and maternity allowance
Providing umbrellas, blankets, raincoats to workers as a protection against rain or cold -
as prescribed by the State government
Welfare officer, if 300 or more workers are employed.