P. 79
Human Resource Management
Notes 2. Opening Job Position: The Opening of the Job Position is generally the job of the HR
Recruiter. Skilled and experienced HR Recruiter should decide about the right mix of the
recruitment sources to find the best candidates for the job position. This is another key
step in the recruitment process.
3. Collecting and Presenting Job Resumes: The next step is collecting of job resumes and their
preselection. This step in the recruitment process is very important today as many
organization lose a lot of time in this step. Today, the organization cannot wait with the
preselection of the job resumes. Generally, this should be the last step done purely by the
HRM Function.
4. Job Interviews: The job interviews are the main step in the recruitment process, which
should be clearly designed and agreed between HRM and the line management. The job
interview should discover the job candidate, who meets the requirements and fits best the
corporate culture and the department.
5. Job Offer: The job offer is the last step of the recruitment process, which is done by the
HRM Function, it finalizes all the other steps and the winner of the job interviews gets the
offer from the organization to join.
5.5 Recruitment Techniques
Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which management contacts prospective
employees or provide necessary information or exchange ideas or stimulate them to apply for
jobs. Recruitment techniques are:
Internal Methods: They are for recruiting internal candidate. These include methods like:
1. Promotion & Transfers
2. Job Posting
3. Employee Referrals
Direct Methods: These include sending traveling recruiters to educational and professional
institutions and employees' contacts with public.
Campus Recruitment
5.5.1 Indirect Methods
1. Advertisement: Advertising is the most common method of attracting candidates.
Consideration should be given to other sources of recruitment such as agency or selection
consultant. The objective of using advertisement should be to:
(a) Attract attention: It must compete for the interest of potential candidates with other
(b) Create and maintain interest: It has to communicate in an attractive and interesting
way and give needful information about terms and conditions of employment and
qualification required.
(c) Stimulate action: The massage will be effective only if it encourages for prompt
replies from the eligible employees.
2. Newspaper Ads
3. Television & Radio Ads