P. 106

Unit-6: Theory of Demand and Elasticity of Demand

                demand of commodity on OX-axis and price on OY-axis. DD is Demand Curve. Every point of this   Notes
               demand curve DD shows the relation in price and demand. When price is   2, demand is 1 unit.
               When price is   1, demand is 4 units. Slope of this demand curve flows from upper left side to
               lower right side, which shows more prices and less demand and fewer prices and more demand.
              2.  Market Demand Curve: Market Demand Curve indicates the
               summation of quantities demanded by the different consumers on   Market Demand Curve is
               different prices of a specific commodity. This Demand Curve draws   summation of all individual
               with the summation of all individual demand curves.     demand curves.
                Figure 6.2 refers to the Market Demand Curve on the base of Demanded Table 2.

                                                 Fig. 6.2

                                                                     There are only two buyers of
                                                                     the commodity in the market
                     Y                      Y                     Y

                                                                         Market Demand
                      D A's Demand            D  B's Demand           D  Curve
                         Curve                   Curve
                   4                       4                     4
                  Price (`)  3            Price (`)  3          Price (`)  3      D + D 2
                   1                       1                     1
                                D                        D
                                 1                        2
                   0                 X     0                X    0                 X
                       12 3   4               12 3    4 5            12 3   4 5
                       Quantity                Quantity                Quantity
                          (i)                    (ii)                    (iii)
            In Fig. 6.2 OX-axis represents the quantity  and OY-axis represents price. Figure 6.2 (i) shows A’s
            Demand Curve and in Fig. 6.2 (ii) B’s Demand Curve and in Fig. 6.2 (iii) Market Demand Curve are
            shown. When price is   4 per unit, A’s Demand is 1 unit and B’s Demand is 2 units. If in market there
            are only two consumers, then market demand will be 1 + 2 = 3. By horizontal summation of Individual
            Demand curves, you can find Market Demand Curve, so its slope is negative.

            Self Assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
              1.  Demand is a schedule which shows different ......................... of a commodity and refers quantity
               demanded of that commodity on each price.
              2.  Generally, demand of any commodity is fixed by its ..........................
              3.  In between consumer’s income and demand of commodity, generally ......................... relation founds.

            6.3  Determinants of Demand or Demand Function

            Here let us differentiate between Individual Demand Function and Market Demand Function.
            Individual Demand Function studies the Functional Relationship between demand for any commodity
            (with an individual buyer) and its Determinants. Market Demand Function studies with the functional
            relationship between Market Demand for any commodity and its different Determiners. Individual
            Demand Function can be expressed as—
                                              Q  = f (P , P , Y, W, T, E)
                                                x    x  r

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