P. 427

Microeconomic Theory

                   Notes       The level of education is just a process of a sharpening  or signalling  which is implemented in the
                               proposal employment of the people of both groups by an employer. In fact, the level of education is
                               implemental as the indication to measure the productivity of the worker of the both groups.
                               According to Spence, the balance is in the form of available market data. The signalling balance is
                               described as follows on the basis of above mentioned market data.
                               Suppose that the employer decides that the men having below Y  level of education is related to group-I
                               and the men having Y and above level of education is related to group-II. The level of education Y  is
                               the benchmark by the employer.
                               For the cost of education (c = y) and wage schedule w (y) is given, for jobseeker man, the education
                               is favourable selection, the value y is level of education on which the proposed wage and the cost of
                               education is in maximum difference.
                               To decide this that should receive the degree of college, the job seeker compares the cost of education
                               and its return (or profit). The cost of taking degree is   50,000 = (   100,000 – ` 50,000). The deference of
                               proposed wage of two groups by the employer is (w  – w  =   100,000 –   50,000. The cost of education
                                                                         2   1
                               is C  = y =   60,000 for group-I and C  = y/2 =   30,000  for group-II.
                                  1                         2
                               In group-II, the return of education is higher than the cost of education   50,000 >   30,000. So, In this
                               group, the all job seekers will get the horizontal level Y  until Y  < 1.6.
                               In group-I, the cost of education is higher than the return   60,000 >   50,000,. In this group all Job
                               seekers will get the level Y  until Y  > 0.8.
                               This will lead towards equilibrium (balance) until 0.8 and 1.6 is the mean.
                               Suppose  that a  employer  decides  the level  of  education  Y 1.2  for  recruitment because  the level  of
                               education Y  (= 0.8) is less group – I job seeker and they are not degree holder, the employer proposel
                               the   50,000 as wage to this low productivity group. In the group-I, the maximum option is not to take
                               education, y = 0 or to take proper education Y, They can’t select Y because the cost of education is more
                               (  60,000) than their increase in income (  50,000) if they take degree. So, they will not take any degree.
                               In group-II, the job seeker will get the level of education y = 1.2 because their increase in income is more
                               than the cost of education (  30,000).
                               So, the equilibrium (balance) is established in the employment market. When man select the each zero
                               level of education (y = 0) in the group-I and in group-II select the level of education y, the level of
                               education is the indication of the productivity of the men of the both groups.
                               In fig. 30.2 (A) and (B) describe the signalling of the both groups in sequence. The proposed wage
                               scheduled is measured on the vertical axis w =   50,000 and w  =   1,00,000. The horizontal axis shows
                                                                   1            2
                               the level of education Y. C = y , the cost of education is curve for group-I and C = y, the cost of education

                                                   1   1                              —      2
                               is curve for group-II. It C  and C  is given wage schedule for group-I Y = 1.2 encourage the satisfaction
                                                   1     2
                               on being in low level of educated because the C  > w . So, the selection of maximum degree is not to
                               receive, which mean, y = 0 which shows in fig. panel (A) for then, In panel (B) for group-II the selection
                               of maximum degree shows that the level of education y = 1.2 received and their wage is proposed
                                 1,00,000 instead of w =   50,000.
                               30.3  The Efficient Market Hypothesis
                               Economist and financial analyst have studied the behaviour of price in the market. It has developed the
                               fanatic theory of stock market, which has been grouped under the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).

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