P. 4


                                                   Microeconomics Theory

                 •   The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the basic structure of Microeconomic Theory. The course will enable
                    students to analyse problems in the key areas using appropriate tools. This will equip the students to take managerial decision in
                    context of microeconomic developments.

              Sr. No.                                                    Topic

                          Introduction  to  Microeconomics,  Partial  vs.  General  Equilibrium  analysis,  Cardinal
                  1       Utility theory, Ordinal Utility Analysis, Revealed Preference theory

                          Indifference  curve  analysis,  Theory  of  Demand  and  elasticity  of  demand,  Recent

                  2       Developments in  theory of Demand
                          Producer Behaviour: Theory of Production, Theory of Cost   and Revenue, Production

                   3      Economics, Traditional and Modern theories of costs: Derivation of Cost functions from
                          Production functions

                          Price  and  Output  Determination  –  I:  Perfect  Competition,  Price  and  Output
                   4      Determination – II Imperfect Competition- Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition

                          Theories of Oligopoly: Definition and nature, Cournot Model , Kinked Demand Curve

                          Bain’s Limit Pricing theory, Marginalism and Average Cost Pricing theory, Baumol’s

                  6       Sales Maximization hypothesis.
                          Distribution:  Classical  Theories:  Ricardo,  Marxian,  Macro  Theories:  Ricardian,

                  7       Marxian, Kalecki’s theories
                          Welfare  Economics:  Pareto  Optimality  conditions  in  Production,  Consumption and

                          Exchange, Market Failure due to externalities in Production, Pigou’s solution to taxes
                  8       and services, Social Welfare Function

                          General Equilibrium: Partial and General Equilibrium Approaches, Production without
                  9       Consumption

                          Economics of Uncertainty: Choice in Uncertain Situations, Insurance Choice and Risk,

                  10      Economics of Information
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