P. 4
Mathematics for Economists
• To aware of students the mathematical aspects of Economics.
• To introduce the concept of interrelation and inter dependency of mathematical Economics.
• To increase understanding of the application of the mathematical properties of Economics.
S.No. Topics
Type of Functions: Constant Function, Polynomial Functions, Rational Functions, Non-algebraic Function, Exponential
Function, Log Function
2. Limits and Continuity
3. Differentiation: Simple
4. Logarithmic Differentiation
5. Second and Higher Order Differentiation
6. Differentiation: Partial
7. Homogeneous Function and Euler’s Theorem
8. Economic Applications of Differentiation
9. Maxima and Minima of One Variable
10. Maxima and Minima of Two Variables
11. Constrained Maxima and Minima
12. Economic Applications of Maxima and Minima
13. Integration: Basic Rules of Integration
14. Methods of Integration
15. Integration as a Summation
16. Definite Integration
17. Economic Applications of Integration
18. Differential Equations: Introduction
19. Solution – Variable Separable Case, Homogenous Case