P. 136

          E L-LOVELY-H math8-1     IInd  6-8-11     IIIrd  24-1-12     IVth  21-4-12     Vth  20-8-12     VIth 10-9-12

           noEPk;soh dk rfDs

                     B'N       jZb L fdZsh j'Jh wzr dk cbB
                                                          Q =  25 4p +  p 2 p α−  dq 
                                                                    q   p  
                               ‘p’ d/ ;zdoG ftZu nzPe fBy/VB eoB s/
                                                   ∂ Q
                                                          =− +
                                                     p ∂
                               n;hA ikDd/ jK fe

                               fJ; soQK id'A ehws 8 o[gJ/ j? sK wzr dh b'u 1H6 ns/ ehws 5 o[gJ/ j' ikD s/ wr dh b'u
                               fJekJh j't/rh.

                               T[dkjoD 6H i/eo wzr teo Q = 150 – 15p j't/ sdK wzr dh b'u gsk eo' id'A fe p = 4
                               jZb L fdZsh j'Jh wzr cbB j?^ Q = 150 – 15P

                                                             ∂ Q
                               ‘p’ ftZu ;zdoG ftZu fBy/VB eoB s/    =− 15
                                                              p ∂

                               n;hA ikDd/ jK fe
                               wzr dh b'u

                               gqPBL fBwB fbys T[Zs/ ;zy/g B'N fby'^(I) wzr dh fsoSh b'u, (II) g{osh b'u, (III) wzr
                               dh nkwdB b'u,  (IV)  n";s nkrw, ;hwKs nkrw ns/ wzr dh b'u ftZu ;zpzX,  (V)
                               jkBhg{oe wzr cbB ns/ (VI) wzr dh ;EkgB wzr.
                               (Write short notes on  following-(I) Cross elasticity of demand, (II) Elasticity of supply,
                               (III) Income elasticity of demand, (IV)  Relationship between average revenue,  marginal
                               revenue and elasticity of demand, (V) Compensated demand function and (VI) Elasticity of
                               substitution of demand).

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