P. 42
Indian Economic Policy
Notes • Eleventh Plan is a very ambitious plan which seeks 125 percent increase over resources over the
Tenth Plan. Its initiative in providing over 30 percent resources to improve the quality of social
services deserves a word of appreciation. The country may able to reach the target of 9% GDP
growth. However, its success will be judged by the extent to which, it is able to convert the
growth process into pro-poor growth and reduce the urban-rural divide and the rich-poor
3.7 Key-Words
1. Sidetracks : To divert from a main issue or course
2. Deficit : An excess of expenditure or liabilities over income or assets in a given period.
3. Surplus : An amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of
production or supply over demand.
3.8 Review Questions
1. Write a short note on the Eleventh five year plan.
2. What are the objectives of the Eleventh plan?
3. Discuss the macro economic dimensions of the eleventh plan.
4. Briefly explain the sectoral allocation of resources.
Answers: Self-Assessment
1. (i)(a) (ii)(c) (iii)(c) (iv)(d)
3.9 Further Readings
1. The Indian Economy; S.K. Ray; Prentic, Hall of India Private Limited
New Delhi - 110001.
2. Indian Economy; Gaurav Datt and Aswani Mahajan; S. Chand and Company
LTD. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055.