P. 4


                                   Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education


                          To understand the importance of various philosophical bases of education.
                          To understand the impact of social theories on education.
                          To relate the trends of social changes, cultural changes and their impact on education.
                          To understand the application of modern science and technological development on social reconstruction.

               Sr. No.                                     Description

               1           Education & Philosophy: Meaning, Relationship, Nature and Scope. Significance of

                           studying Philosophy in Education. Aims of Education: Individual and Social Aims of
                           Education. Functions of Education: Individual, Social, Moral and Aesthetic.

               2           School  of  Philosophical  Thoughts:  Idealism.  School  of  Philosophical  Thoughts:
                           Naturalism. School of philosophical thoughts: Pragmatism. School of philosophical

                           thoughts: Humanism.
               3           Indian philosophical thoughts: Sankhya. Indian philosophical thoughts: Vedanta.

                           Indian philosophical thoughts: Buddhism. Indian philosophical thoughts: Jainism.

                           Indian philosophical thoughts: Islam
               4           Contribution  of  Indian  thinkers  to  Educational  Thoughts:  Mahatma  Gandhi  and

                           Vivekananda. Contribution of Indian thinkers to Educational Thoughts – Aurobindo

                           and Radhakrishnan
               5           Sociology  and  Education:  Concept  of  Educational  Sociology  and  Sociology  of
                           Education.  Socio-economic  factors  and  their  impact  on  education.  Socialisation

                           Process, Implications in Education

               6           Social  Change:  Meaning,  Nature  and  Causes.  Constraints  of  social  change  (caste,

                           ethnicity, class, language, religion, regionalism). Education as an agent of Social and
                           Economic change, and HRD.

               7           Education for social stratification and social mobility. Democracy and Education

               8           Social  theories:  Marxism  and  Integral  Humanism.  Theories  of  functionalist:  Emile
                           Durkheim and Talcott Parsons

               9           Women Education and Gender Equity. Globalization: Concept and its Relevance in

                           Contemporary  Situation.  Human  Rights  and  Education  with  Special  reference  to
                           Rights of Children. Consumer Rights and Right to Education

                10         Education  for  Peace.  Values:  concept,  need,  sources.  National  Integration  and
                           International  understanding:  Meaning,  need,  role  of  teacher  and  Educational

                           Institutions in developing national integrity
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