P. 105

Unit 10: National Curriculum Framework (2005)

            10.11 Review Questions                                                                   Notes

               1. Explain social context of education.
               2. Write about children’s knowledge and local knowledge.
               3. What is mother-tongue education?
               4. Why health and physical education need to be included in the curriculum.
               5. Educationis a significant dimension of the building up peace, explain.

            Answer: Self Assessment
            1.  (i) constitution   (ii) higher quality  (iii) quidelines  (iv) learning
            2.  (i) True           (ii) True        (iii) False        (iv) False
            3.  (i) (a)            (ii) (b)         (iii)(a)

            10.12 Further Readings

                        1.  Development of Education Systems : SC Shaoo, Khatia K, Briykithore Dayal, Daya
                            Publications House.
                        2.  Development of Educational System in India : A K Agrawal , Mel Ainscow , Alan
                            Dyson , Susan Goldrick

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